Living on Purpose”


Sometimes words are not enough to express the intensity of my emotions, that's why I love music so much! It speaks more deeply, far beyond words ever could.



About Brendi

Brendi, Aka Brenda Follert, is a nick name her father use to give her and she carries dear to her heart.

She is happily married  and a proud mother of 3 beautiful children.

Over the past 5 years, she has been leading worship at her churches celebrate recovery program as well as helping out as co leader often on Sunday morning services. 

Born in Fort Mc Murray Alberta, but she considers Grande Prairie her home. She was raised with the inspirations of old classic country and an eclectic array of music styles and genres from both her mom and dad, who both sang beautifully. Even still, hints of Patsy Cline and that o'l country twang peak through in her spirit filled contemporary christian country song recorded "Even Then" 

Her passion in music and song writing was always there since she was a little girl. She already knew every word to practically every song at the age of 8. 

The real journey began when she got to a place of absolute desperation for a better life. She had a rocky start and as a result of some bad choices and misfortunes that life threw her way, she had built up pain, which left her feeling empty, hopeless and yearning for something more. Despite her brokenness, dealing with depression, anxiety, abusive relationships and infidelity to name a few things, she continued to persevere.

She found a local celebrate recovery program where her faith exploded and her relationship with Christ became deeper than it ever had been. 

" I realized I didn’t really get what faith was or who God was until I walked this journey” 

Her search for happiness and purpose continued unfolding and eventually led her back to her passion; music.

"What helped me overcome many of the struggles I faced was believing that all things are possible, not through me but through Christ.

I've seen this with the anxiety the depression and struggling with deep insecurity and lack of confidence and worth . I've seen it in my marriage, which by the Grace of God has been restored, and still amazes me! 

My hearts desire is to see God's promises in my life;  if you have faith as big as a mustard seed, you can tell a mountain to move and it will be done. There is nothing more exciting then believing for his promises and seeing them come to pass " 

“I wouldn’t trade the pain for anything. It thought me a lot and created a solid faith in me that I love.”
The hardships  have made her who she is today giving her purpose and inspiration for the songs she writes. 

Because of the healing she found, she is passionate to share with others who feel worthless, lonely and like they dont belong.

“ I know what it feels like to be in a dark place, and to feel like life isn’t worth living 

I know what it feels like to feel like nothing will ever change you will always feel the way you feel and you will never be happy. I want people to know, to truly know that even in the darkest places there is a light, there is a hope there is a way and God has a great purpose for you"

She has now written several songs and has a couple recorded. She will be stepping back into studio to finish recording soon!

Sometimes words are not enough to express the intensity of emotions, that's why I love music so much! it speaks more deeply and says far beyond words ever could. Through my music I'd like to give people hope in hard times, healing and faith in something greater.

God Bless!