About Brendi

Brendi, Aka Brenda Follert, is a nick name her father use to give her and she carries dear to her heart.

She is a happily married wife, and mother of 3 beautiful children.

Over the past 12 years, she has been leading worship at her churches celebrate recovery program and often on Sunday morning services. 

Born in Fort Mc Murray Alberta, but she considers Grande Prairie her home. She was raised with the inspirations of old classic country and an eclectic array of music styles and genres from both her mom and dad, who both sang beautifully. 

Her passion for music and song writing was always there since she was a little girl. She already knew every word to practically every song by the age of 8. 

God captured her heart as he walked her through dark times of depression and anxiety

She found a local celebrate recovery program where her faith exploded and her relationship with Christ became deeper than it ever had been. 

Her search for happiness and purpose was being fullfilled as God continued to do his beautiful work in her heart and he led her back to her passions where she is now finding purpose. 

"What helped me overcome many of the struggles I faced was believing that all things are possible with Christ, when I couldn't believe in my self, which felt nearly impossible for a time I had faith in him. 

"I've never been so grateful just to feel peace in my mind and heart. Gods Joy is truly the best treasure"

"I love the promises of God, they fill me with hope each day to pursue him and the desires he puts in my heart for an abundant life more then I ever dreamed, hoped, or imagined"

Despite her conflicted journey she wouldn't trade it for anything.

" It was my pain that led me to Christ without it, I would not have known how deep his love is, it's true that our hard experiences  have great purpose. God is so Good; he even gives us double for our trouble"

That kind of love is the inspiration for the songs she writes. 

She is passionate to share with others who feel like they don't belong, don't feel good enough, and who carry the weight of the world on their shoulders, a better way to live.

She has now written several songs and is excited to begin getting them out into the world.

She is working hard to release an album this year.

God Bless!


" It was my pain that led me to Christ, without it,  I would not have known how deep his love is, it's true that our hard experiences  have great purpose. God is so Good; he even gives us double for our trouble" and uses it all for his Glory!